For the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, while we, at the Komatsu Group, are working to engage in the maintenance service of construction equipment in operation at the affected areas, we are also offering relief assistance largely in the form of lending our construction equipment, forklift trucks, temporary housing units, power generators and other equipment, all free of charge. Worth JPY1.6 billion, these equipment and facilities are also urgently needed by the concerned municipal governments.
It is projected that reconstruction of the affected areas will take a long time. We are anticipating that we will continue to receive requests for equipment from the municipal governments. In light of these conditions, we are going to offer additional assistance in a similar form, centering on free-of-charge lending of Komatsu Group's equipment and facilities, worth JPY800 million (total assistance in value: JPY2.4 billion).

We are determined to continue into the future our group-wide assistance aimed at the reconstruction of the affected areas.

[Contents of Additional Assistance]
·Free-of-charge lending of construction equipment, forklift trucks, temporary housing units, power generators and other products that the Komatsu Group owns.
·Donation of prefabricated structures.
·Subsidies for participants who are taking the operation training course for construction equipment, forklift trucks and other heavy machinery offered by the Miyagi Center of Komatsu Safety Training Center Ltd.

In addition to the above-mentioned assistance centering on free-of-charge lending of equipment owned by the Komatsu Group, we are offering scholarships (total: JPY400 million) to college students in the disaster-devastated regions.
·Total of JPY200 billion for students of national technical colleges for 10 years.
<Refer to the news release dated April 15, 2011.>
·Jointly with Rio Tinto, total of JPY400 million for disaster-stricken undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Tohoku University in Sendai City for 10 years. (JPY200 million provided by Komatsu)
<Refer to the news release dated June 7, 2011.>

Information in the news releases is current on the date of the announcement and is subject to change without notice.