Additional Assistance in Relation to the Great East Japan Earthquake Devastation: Centering on charge-free lending of Komatsu Group's equipment and facilities Additional Assistance in Relation to the Great East Japan Earthquake Devastation: Centering on charge-free lending of Komatsu Group's equipment and facilities

For the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, while we, at the Komatsu Group, are working to engage in the maintenance...

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SANY SCC4000 Crawler Crane Completes Assembly of Ethiopian Wind Power Project SANY SCC4000 Crawler Crane Completes Assembly of Ethiopian Wind Power Project

CHANGSHA, CHINA, May 25, 2012 - SANY Heavy Industry is pleased to announce that a SANY SCC4000 crawler crane has successfully complet...

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Putzmeister debut Trinity tour Taiyuan Station Putzmeister debut Trinity tour Taiyuan Station

Putzmeister debut Trinity tour Taiyuan Station Category: News Date: 2012-05-14 • This is the Trinity acquisition of elephants, for the first...

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Hitachi Announces Progress of “2012 Mid-term Management Plan” Hitachi Announces Progress of “2012 Mid-term Management Plan”

T o k y o , M a y 10 , 20 1 2 -- - H i ta c h i , Ltd . ( T S E : 6501 ) to d a y announ c e d a p r o gr e s s o f i t s ...

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