July 4, Sany Heavy Equipment Human Resources Director Cai Zelan first come into contact with those disgruntled employee. Because they are at short notice to participate in a six-month off-site training, Caize Lan looks ordinary but all of a sudden be "lit up".

What happened

Afternoon, more than 100 people to contain the company's human resources. "They say you want an explanation: outstanding graduate student selection in the year are 985,211 school graduation, why organizations optimize out?" Caize Lan said that most employees feel "shame, inferiority, be abandoned by the department".

"Our first reaction is to staff some panic. Machinery industry market environment is not good, is not optimistic about the media pass for the information, coupled with on June indeed more than a dozen engineers in the labor contract expires, because the performance appraisal did not meet The company does not have its renewed contract afterthought for many days, Cai Zelan feeling judgments seems a bit optimistic.

In fact, the staff concerns and industry integrity of adjustment is not unrelated: This year, major construction machinery products decreased greatly, including excavators, bulldozers, cranes, road rollers, pavers cumulative sales of the first five months drop more than 30 percent year on year. The profits of the industry key enterprises for the same period totaled only $ 13.805 billion, down 20.34 percent. This makes the 13 stocks in June, the average decline of up to 18.89% of the construction machinery industry.

"The market is not good, this training takes so long, but the company did not clear how to arrange training. Another factor was weeks total (refer to the SANY Heavy Equipment general manager Zhou Wanchun) did not come forward." A staff representatives to participate in the negotiations, told reporters.

The next day, a lot of media began to follow up the matter, several major portal to the news of the class such as "layoffs storm" hanging in a conspicuous location. Trinity Group became an instant target of public criticism, the cumulative decline of the two-day stock has more than 5%. Was looking for companies to claim R & D engineers, evolved into the left, to compensate.

Day, more than 100 employees decided to leave, related to labor and social security departments have begun to follow up the matter. Caize Lan said: "We had to arrange for training, without ever having left instructions to make these R & D personnel, about to go to so many people to complete the breach of the original intention of the training, it was my job to explain becomes hard to retain." While Group president's instructions to Zhou Wanchun hands: "do not have to lay off basis, shall not be approved."

Cai Zelan had personally written an open letter. In the letter, he cited the Group Chairman Liang Wengen early to sell the sheep, and Zhou Wanchun experience in the workshop as an apprentice, "You are all graduated less than two years of college students, departments to arrange to attend the training, what a shame, not that dignity compromised. "The full-time training, our work is ready in place, poor communication, does not make clear in the selection process, training forms, training arrangements, leading you to question the purpose of this training, understandable, but please do not doubt the good intentions and expectations of the company to arrange this training. "Caize Lan said.

After Zhou Wanchun back to the company, two hours discussion with the staff, clear to the employees of several signals. First, they have been the company's most important talent pool, we have invested 2.2 billion yuan mechanized mining Industrial Park have just gone into operation, mechanized mining as a future major profit growth point, the current domestic market share is less than 1% Most of you is fully mechanized mining the future development of preparation. "to shorten the training cycle, reduced from 6 months to 2 months, and during the training period to maintain wages. The third is the employees are free to choose to continue to participate in training, back to the original post or leave.

Growing Pains

It temporarily calm down, three internal and did not stop on their own review. Sany Heavy, deputy general manager Liu told reporters, "It was the final analysis, internal staff 'mistake to do' and some of the media's 'misunderstanding'."

These employees, 60 percent of graduate students graduated last year, a year when Sany Heavy Equipment business of the busiest and fastest growing year. As a result, many employees are not trained directly Placement. "For us to do the engineering machinery, but in fact, no less than the workshop is difficult to do well this thing, our Research Institute and supporting Dean are out from the coal mine." Liu said.

Trinity Group, training has always been a very conventional project has been a corresponding process. Newspaper reporter to get the Sany Heavy 2012 annual training plan, training courses for different positions up to 117 the total number of training 50,996 people. Caize Lan said: "31 Group to implement the budget evaluation system, but only one cost overruns from budget assessment, is the cost of training. Training hours per capita in 2012 we plan to 92 hours, in preparation for the research and development training, human resources Special in the second half of the budget an additional 1 million. "

The reporter saw a material, 2011, Sany Heavy training total expenditure of 11,152,100 yuan, the per capita cost of training reached 2779.68 yuan. "This does not include my training center 31 staff wages and benefits, and after each training will staff the exam evaluation, the results will directly affect their pay and promotion." Said Cai Zelan.

This mechanism has not been questioned in previous years, the company's business by leaps and bounds, all the employees do not believe that three will lay off. When the economic situation is bad in the same way but it will be a different interpretation. "This is what we have not done well, the main objective of adjustment did not make it clear to employees." Liu said. Companies do want to take advantage of (market) this opportunity, these novice melted down, preparing for the future. "Liu is responsible for marketing, marketing and service personnel back to the Secretary for his monthly arrangement in rotation, this month plans stationed overseas over 100 service engineers back to do the training, "the operation rate of the entire coal industry has been very low, might as well let them come back to learn something."

This starting point and not much problem, and related personnel are not in place when he is in the implementation. Happened, the entire communication is not smooth, many employees believe that their own views are not taken seriously. "The employees involved in the negotiations told reporters. "But in fact, seriously think about, will feel that layoffs do not fly. Coal mechanical level is far below the level of construction machinery, last year faster than the growth of the industry a lot of our new park voted so much money. capacity will be over a hundred billion, you say we layoffs going on? "the whole thing so that Liu feel a little incredible.

The reporter to get the latest reply was: "due to individual Division staff work without the situation with the staff in advance to communicate, not doing fine, resulting in great views of the staff, and this storm, this is a serious dereliction of duty, the company has given to the relevant person in charge of the administrative level demoted. "

To create a "myth", and founder Liang Wengen in the eyes of most people has been placed on the altar at Trinity. But in fact, its development has a large part of the reason is just fit the market's most violent period of rally in the market the cold now, as a private enterprise, it needs to be more agile in the market sense of smell and speed of response. Layoff storm "a wake to thirty-one mention the problem of talent is the most important issue of whether it can Everlasting. Growing Pains for a more than 5 million manufacturing enterprises, this is just the process of internationalization hurdle.

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